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Using Our Site

We Have Our Own Search Engine

On the right hand side of the page under the "What's New" and "More" columns, you will see a search box. You can use this to search for articles particular to our site. If you are trying to find an article on parking, for example, enter parking into the search box and go. You can further refine your search by typing board minutes parking or "board minutes" parking if you just wish to find the minutes that refer to parking. You will get a few other hits, but it refines the search considerably. A list of pages that contain the search terms you entered will be displayed. Just click on what interests you and off you go!

Hint: When you get to the page, it is sometimes convenient to use your browser to find your search term on the page. In Internet Explorer, you can choose "Edit, Find on this Page". For more tips on using the search engine see our Search Tips page.

Standard Methods

As you will notice, we have large general categories on the left hand side buttons. If you float your mouse over them you will see what sub-categories are in each of the large groupings. This is by far the fastest way of keeping from making "wrong turns" when exploring the site. Simply clicking on a button gives you a blurb about the category and explains in more detail what the sub-categories are about. Hopefully, the way things are grouped will make sense to you, and if it does not, please contact us. How are things organized? In Administration we have the minutes, agenda, financials, etc. -- things that are used in administering any organization.Governing Docs contains all the manuals and papers distributed to you in case you have misplaced your manuals or simply want to use your browser to search within the documents. There are some items that are listed twice so that hopefully you will find them on the first try -- the ARC manual is both under ARC and Governing Docs for example. In ARC you will also find the forms you need for an ARC application and the color chart. Our articles on home improvement are linked to either from the Home Repair category or under News, Recent Web Articles. Our newsletters are indexed by us, by both date and subject matter. Not all articles make it into the subject matter index, only those deemed to be of enduring interest. So, if there is a more topical article you are looking for you should look in each newsletter's index for that. Unfortunately, the President's Notes often cover multiple topics and they are not indexed either within the newsletter or in the subject matter index. The minutes are indexed by date, and the web articles by subject matter. Our Leewood Links are subdivided into categories to make them easier to access.Now, I mentioned using your browser for searches. This works within a particular document. Internet Explorer says "Find on this page" under Edit. For their purposes, "this page" is the entire document. For example, you can go to our ARC manual and search for all occurrences of the word "windows". That way you can easily get to the topic of interest to you. Also, if you remember a particular word (such as "lock") in an article you are looking for in a newsletter, you might want to use your browser to flip right to that title. This browser search is very handy. Ever had the experience where you used a search engine to find things and then when you went to the article you couldn't find the words you were looking for without scanning the whole article? Using your browser's Find function gets you out of this dilemma!Please explore the site -- we have tried to put in everything (except the directory) that would be of interest to you. Essentially everything that is handed out to our members is on the site somewhere. The directory is an exception as many would not want their telephone numbers broadcast around the Internet.

As always, remember to contact us with your suggestions. How? Well, there is a link above in this article or you can go to our Board/Committee chairs page under Administration and always be able to contact the latest people in charge of things.


Often you can search our site with Google. A very convenient thing to have on your browser is the Google search bar. (This is free from Google). With the search bar you can elect to "search this site" and if Google has indexed it, you can find information that way.

Judy Currier

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