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Leewood Homeowners Association

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

March 11, 2014


Board Members Present:

Patricia Willingham- President

Judi Davenport- Vice President

Heather Pike- Secretary

Margaret Pittoti-Treasurer



Convening: The annual meeting was called to order at 8:04 p.m. at the Phillips School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003.



Open Forum:

Spring clean up will be some time in April. Trash at Braddock Mews is blowing down the bluff and it’s an eye sore when entering the Leewood community. It was suggested that the Braddock Mews president be contacted. It was proposed when parking lines are painted, if a homeowners reserved spot is under a tree they should be given the opportunity to move to a different spot.


Officers Report:


Pat started the meeting discussing the new lights and grounds and maintenance out mulching during the week. She pleaded for volunteers for committees and the board. Pat explained a management company would be the next step if volunteers could not be obtained. The estimated cost for a management company would be $135 a month and roughly $1600 a year AND board member would still be needed. Pat thanked volunteers for the work they have done.


Vice President: Judi discussed the new lights, the fence repair at Backlick Road, the need of a stop sign repair and future permanent message boards. Pat went over the committees that needed positions filled and an additional parking committee.


Treasurer: Maggie stepped down from the board after 6 years of service. She explained that she does assessments, delinquent postcards and notices. It was suggested that email be used rather than postcards and automatic billing by homeowners. Maggie explained the board would need someone to head up that project


Secretary: Heather discussed the wooden Leewood sign and getting it replaced. That she does POAA packets. She repaired the fence at Bradgen Court and children from our neighborhood may be removing the pickets to get to the neighboring houses. A gate was suggested by the Leewood homeowners as a remedy to the problem.


Report of Finances: Leona went over the 2014 budget, investments ands financials. She mentioned the budget is up on the Leewood website.


Election of Board Members:

Pat asked for nominations on the floor. Mr. Haroon Malik volunteered. Haroon introduced himself. Mr. Tony McSorley was on the ballot and also introduced himself. Elizabeth volunteered to take over for Judi when she steps down in October. Voting was done. As ballots were counted a volunteer sheet for committees was passed around. Mr. Haroon Malik was voted onto the board and the tax resolution was passed.


Adjournment: the meeting adjourned at 9:26


Certified for the record:


_____________________________________                Date: ______________________

Heather Pike, Secretary