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Leewood Homeowners Association

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

June 11, 2013


Board Members Present:

Patricia Willingham- President

Judi Davenport- Vice President

Margaret Pitotti- Treasurer

Heather Pike- Secretary

Pamela Stover- At Large



Janet Rourke (G & M Chair)

Leona Taylor (Finance Specialist)


Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. at the Phillips School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003.


  • Minutes from May 14th, 2013 meeting were approved.


Open Forum:

  • Leslie Sweet- a conference call was made between Leslie and the board concerning her drainage problem. Leslie has had to call a plumber to the house in November and December to snake the drainage pipe. Each time roots were dragged out. The roots are coming from a tree in the common area. The drainage pipe has been compromised and it needs to be replaced with pvc pipe. The board decided that the attorney should be notified to provide guidance on what, if any part the board is responsible for concerning the drainage pipe. Pat will contact the attorney. Leslie agreed to provide estimates from the plumbers concerning pipe replacement and the details concerning the project.
  • Tom Harvat- Shenandoah will be notified to clean out the drain..
  • Tree Pruning- all board members agreed to a second pruning of the trees by Shenandoah.
  • Bradgen Ct drainage issue- this particular item had been fixed (Janet confirmed).
  • Signage for new fence- Janet will get signs
  • National Night Out- Dana is coordinating it and the event will be held August 6th from 6 to 9 pm.


Officers Report:

President: No report


Vice President: Judi contacted Dominion Power concerning the new lights. She was told a designer will give her a call to make an appointment to walk the Leewood neighborhood. Judi discussed several companies she researched for the message boards and gave prices. She also found prices for paint or reflectors for the speed bumps. Judi will call Catsaretops to have them trap kittens on the Leewood property.


Secretary: No report


Treasurer: Maggie posted HOA assessments, called on parking tickets, will send Pam envelopes, discussed neighborhood watch sign needs bracket bolts cut and the trash bill has increased.    


At Large: No report


Summary from Committee Chairs:


Grounds and Maintenance:

Janet reported the fences were up and drainage work was done. The street sign that was bent has been fixed and the utility behind Leestone Street was repaired.



Pam discussed vegetable gardens in front yards, has had complaints about bushes intruding in neighbors property, security camera wires and that letters are done (waiting on envelopes). Pam also said a note was given to a homeowner on her stationary concerning a wall violation being built on the common area (the wall did not appear to be permanent) and she will send him a standard letter.


Report on State of Finance: Leona needs bills so she may pay them and a signed check for Accokeek Fencing Company.


Adjournment: the meeting adjourned at 9:07.



_____________________________________                Date: ______________________

Heather Pike, Secretary