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April 9, 2013


Board Members Present:

Patricia Willingham - President

Lynda Flynn - Fy 2013 Secretary

Margaret Pitotti - Treasurer


Fy 2014 Newly Elected Members:

Heather Pike

Pamela Stover



Adele Hagen

Rahel Abebe

Gedion Abebe

Janet Rourke (G&M)


Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm at the Phillips School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003.


The minutes from the February 12, 2013 meeting and March 12, 2013 Annual meeting were reviewed and approved.


Election of Officers: Board members were nominated for positions, seconded and approved by all voting members to serve in the following capacity on the LHOA Board:


      Patricia Willingham - President

      Judi Davenport — Vice President

      Heather Pike Secretary

      Margaret Pitotti -Treasurer

      Pamela Stover - At Large


Open Forum: Several persons present brought up issues related to parking which were discussed and the board indicated if there are offenses that warrant a ticket or towing that we need to have specific identifying information from the homeowner/resident that is reporting the problem, discussed the upcoming Spring issue of the newsletter and obtaining articles to finalize it. A request from a homeowner to place advertisement in the newsletter was discussed and it was agreed upon that advertising would not be allowed.


Officers Reports:


      President: Pat discussed that the newly ordered checks will need to be re-ordered due to a printing mistake and picked up a few checks from the bank to carry us over; newly elected members will need to make arrangements to sign the bank forms allowing them to sign checks. We will ask that Judi take on the project of the planned increase of lights in the common area.


      Secretary: The out-going secretary (Lynda Flynn) indicated that she will turn over her files to the newly elected (Heather) and will also include the process for providing POA packets.

      Treasurer: There was no written accounting of the assessment ledger status since it was so close to the beginning of a quarter.

      At Large: No report.


Summary from Committee Chairs


      Grounds and Maintenance: Janet Rourke will be getting bids for the fence replacement for this spring for the outer perimeter fencing: she indicated that the grounds contract will be coming due in December and asked that members let her know if they would like any changes to the current contract specifics; she also called VDOT about the damaged/crooked sign at the entrance of Bradlick and Leestone streets for repair: proposals for tree trimming and four common area sites that had been identified for drainage issues was presented to the board and approved.


      Architectural Review Committee (ARC): The sitting president welcomed three of the guests who were present indicating that they had been invited because they had volunteered to be on the ARC. Pam Stover agreed to chair the ARC and discussion regarding the process ensued.


      Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45p.m.


Certified for the record:



Margaret Pitotti, Treasurer

For Secretary