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Leewood Homeowners Association
Board Meeting

February 10, 2009


Board Members Present: Also Present:
Janet Rourke - President Bob Flynn - Homeowner
Ramanuj (Bob) Chilakamarri - VP
Maggie Pitotti – Treasurer
Mohammed Umar – At-large
Rose Weber - Secretary

Convening: Meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm. Meeting was held in the Phillips School Library.

Minutes: A motion was made to approve the January 13, 2009, regular meeting minutes. The motion was carried and the minutes were signed and accepted for the record.

Open Forum: There were no issues raised for open forum discussion.

Architectural Review Hearings: There were no scheduled ARC hearings.

Officer Reports:
President: The President provided the final draft annual meeting package and after a review the Board finalized it. The President asked the Secretary to print mailing labels for the package. The formal/public recognition of volunteers at the annual meeting was discussed. Specifically, the President felt that Al Sanford should be recognized for his many years service as the Grounds and Maintenance Chair, and often the entire committee. All present agreed and it was decided the President would find an appropriate gift certificate as a suitable means of recognition. Snow removal was discussed; during recent plowing not all snow was removed from parking spaces and the President asked that a call be placed to GeoScape to advise them that the snow needs to be removed so parking spaces are accessible.
Vice President: The VP provided a draft Leewood Neighborhood Watch Program (LNWP) info paper and survey to be distributed to homeowners and residents. When returned, if the survey indicates there are enough people interested and willing to volunteer to work the LNWP, then a LNWP committee will be established and the committee will determine exactly how best to implement a program for Leewood.
Treasurer: Presented an update on the status of assessments. As of 2/8/09 there are currently 34 homeowner accounts in arrears, for a total of $7244.00 due the LHOA.
Secretary: The Secretary briefed the Board on the preliminary "walkthrough" that was conducted by Main Street Mailboxes. Literature on the mailbox construction was provided. The purpose of the walkthrough was to: show the Main Street rep the number and location of our current boxes, discuss placement and possible consolidation of new boxes, discuss code requirements with regard to placement, installation and concrete pads, and to learn about the installation process, key delivery and other aspects of conversion to locking mailboxes. A formal proposal will be submitted. In the meantime, Main Street Mailboxes has agreed to come to the annual meeting to provide mailbox information and address concerns/respond to questions. The Secretary also informed the Board that the County would provide a Gypsy Moth Spray Program info presentation at the meeting since Leewood is very near a moth spray zone.
At-large: Nothing to report.

Committee Reports:
Architectural Review Committee (ARC): The following motions were made and approved regarding active ARC violations (Note: as the ARC Chair, The Board President, Janet Rourke does not vote on ARC hearing decisions or other ARC matters requiring approval of the Board):
Hearing(s): None scheduled.
Extensions: One homeowner presented materials to be considered with regard a request for an extension to repair one violation. After reviewing the case, the Board voted to grant an extension until 1 May 2009.
Hearings to be re-scheduled: None.
Second violation notices: Second violation letters will be sent for one case.
With Lawyer: There are currently no cases with the lawyer.

Grounds and Maintenance: Although the committee chair was not present, a report was sent via the Secretary. Perimeter fence will be repaired where storm damaged has caused it to collapse, again, in several locations behind Bradgen and along that stretch of common area. A walkthrough of the community was conducted with the new landscaping contractor to ensure our desires and expectations are clear, and the need for a complete tree assessment was discussed, but no date has been scheduled.
Financial Report: Not Provided.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:28pm.

Certified for the record:
___________________ _____________
Rose Weber, Secretary Date



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