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Leewood Homeowners Association

December 12, 2006 Board Meeting



Janet Rourke - President
Mohammed Umar – Treasurer
Rose Weber – Secretary
Melinda Ford – At Large
Leona Taylor – Financial Secretary

Convening: Meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm. Meeting was held in the Phillips School Library.

Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2006 regular meeting. Motion was carried and the minutes were approved as written; signed and accepted for the record.

Open Forum: Bob Flynn was present for Open Forum and expressed concerns about the fact that while Leewood is a single family community, there are units in Leewood that appear to house more people than would normally be considered a single family, additionally, there are some rental units that are rented to two families; one in the basement or lower level and one in the other two levels. Bob asked that the board look into county codes, zoning restrictions, ordinances and occupancy limits that may apply so that we as a community can do all we can to limit our units to one single family per. The board agreed that this is a good topic for our annual meeting and will research the issue so that it can be put on the annual agenda and discussed.

Judith Currier resigned as the volunteer for homeowner accounts, penalty accounts, webmaster and member of the website committee. Her resignation was accepted by the Board and is mentioned here for inclusion in the official record.

Architectural Review Hearings: There were no scheduled ARC hearings; however, several homeowners were present to discuss ARC issues with the Board. Accordingly, at 7:45 pm the Board went into Executive Session for the sole purpose of discussing ARC issues with individual homeowners. The result of these discussions was: penalties were suspended and a 30 day extension granted for a violation at 7062 Leebrad Street; a 30 day extension was granted and a portion of penalties forgiven for a violation at 7071 Leestone Street. A 30 day extension was granted and penalties suspended until 1 February for a violation at 7001 Leebrad Street. At 8:05 pm the board reconvened in Open Session.

Old Business:
Drainage: Project will be initiated after the first of the year.
Common Area Lighting: Project will be initiated after the first of the year.
Locking Mailboxes: Project will be initiated after the first of the year, subsequent to the President & the Secretary meeting with the Postmaster to negotiate cost and options.

Committee Reports:
Architectural Review Committee (ARC): The following motions were made and approved regarding active ARC violations:

Hearings will be scheduled and notification letters sent for alleged violations at the following properties: 7050 Leestone Street.
Extensions: None.
Hearings to be re-scheduled: None.
Second violation notices: A second notice will be sent regarding a violation at 7001 Leebrad Street.

Grounds and Maintenance: No report provided. However, the Board does need a report on the repainting of “reserved” and “no parking” spots lost during the road repair project.

Activity Report – Homeowner Accounts / Website: Subsequent to her resignation, Judith Currier provided her files so that new volunteers could take over.

Financial Report: A balance sheet and budget report were presented to the Board.

President’s Report: New trash contract is now in effect. Magnets were received but were in error with regard to recycle pick-up day. Magnets will not be corrected. Board will revisit the possibility of repurchasing with correct information after the first of the year. President continues to work on package for annual meeting.

New Business:
Penalty Assessments: The Board discussed how to assess penalties, particularly when there are numerous violations accruing penalties simultaneously. The board agreed that the question should be put to the lawyer. The President will do this immediately after the holidays.

Adjournment: The Board adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Certified for the record:

Rose Weber, Secretary Date


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