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Leewood Homeowners Association

November 11, 2003 Board Meeting




Chris Taylor, Vice President
Mohammed Umar, Treasurer
Anne Esquivel, Secretary

Al Sanford, Grounds and Maintenance
Leona Taylor, Homeowner Accounts

In Ron's absence, Chris ran meeting.

Open Forum

Budget – Lynn is not completely done with updates to the budget, but will be done by the weekend. The Board will need to meet over the weekend to approve the budget.

We will have to put up notices in the community (at the mailboxes) that we're having a meeting with action, so that any residents can attend. Chris will tell Lynn that she needs to put up the notices. Meeting will be held Saturday, 11/15 – 2:00 PM at Lynn's house.

Need to add $2,320 for plant watering during June – Aug.

Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting

Mohammed Umar put forth a motion to approve August minutes. Chris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Action Items

Copy of snow removal contract to Mohammed – Anne

Budget meeting – 2:00 – 3:00 – Saturday – Lynn's house

Give names of contractors to Ron for painting parking spots - Anne

Planting committee

Al Sanford reporting the committee walked the community, planning for plantings. J&M submitted a proposal for $8075 for the entire job. Our 2003 budget has allotted $9,000 for plantings, and the Committee is trying to get this work done before the end of this year.

Mohammed confirms there is enough in our operating funds to cover this expenditure. Anne motioned for approval of the expenditure of for plantings. Mohammed Umar seconds. The motion passed unanimously. $2K in budget currently, rest will come from accumulated operating funds.


President's Report

Homeowner correspondence

Bob Nelson raised the issue of numerous commercial vehicles parked in the community – valet 6, pizza delivery, ADT cars, vans with ladders, etc. He asked if we are going to enforce our bylaws. Chris will investigate the association's rules and write a newsletter article on the topic.


Did we renew CAI membership? Mohammed says yes. Mohammed will follow up with the bank to ensure we have a cleared check and then call CAI.

No trash pick up on Thanksgiving or Christmas day.

Newsletter will be published next week.

Other Officer reports

Vice President's report

Peachtree Catalog got paid. We can now order "two way" signs for new STOP signs.

One of our residents was walking her dog and didn't notice a Husky on Bradgen Ct. The dog jumped at them. Chris will write a newsletter item on this.

Treasurer's report

Passed out monthly report.

Chris will remind Lynn that GNMA investment needs to be made.

Still missing banking and investment statements – Chris to remind Lynn to call about missing bank statements.

Newsletter – need an upgrade of software; MS Publisher

Homeowner Accounts

  • 25 outstanding, 3 of which never got notices, 2 additional are at attorney.
  • Leona is going to put notices up on mailboxes for one last push for info for new directory.
  • We're looking to print the new directories in 2003.


  • 18 people interested in fence replacements; proposals done for Hercules
  • Ron went over and looked at 7036 Leebrad St. – repairs done to his satisfaction. They were assessed $900 in penalties. We're not sure of how many days to assess them between the time the last notice went out and when they got the work done. Mohammed moved to abate the fines. Anne seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.


AAA will pick up recyclables the Monday after Thanksgiving. They will also pick up recyclables the Saturday after New Years and Christmas. Chris will put that in the newsletter and on mailboxes.

Adjourn – 8:51

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