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Leewood Homeowners Association

October 9, 2001 Board Meeting


Leona Taylor, President
Mohammed Umar, Treasurer
Al Sanford, Secretary
Chris Taylor, Board Member

Pam Stover, ARC Chairperson

Absent: Ron Filadelfo, Vice President

Other: Anthony McSorley

Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Meeting was held in the multipurpose room at Phillips School.

Open Forum: Tony's Comments

Architectural Review Hearings

Leona read the agenda item concerning hearings on four ARC violations. It was moved by Chris Taylor that the Board adjourn to executive session to hear these violations. The motion was approved.

The Board reconvened in open session at 8:56 PM. The following motions were made with regard to each violation:

  • 5262 Bradgen Court and 5259 Leestone Court were given until November 30th to repair the violations that have been cited on each of their properties. The Board waived the requirement to doubleside the back fence of 5262 Bradgen Court. Motion approved unanimously.
  • Penalties of $10.00 per day to begin on 5276 Bradgen Court and 7083 Leestonefor outstanding ARC violations. These penalties are to begin on October 14, 2001 following notification of these owners through the mail. Motion approved unanimously.

Minutes: The minutes of 9-25-01 meeting are yet to be completed.

Annual Budget: Leona presented the proposed budget for the year 2002. See the attached summary sheet giving proposed amount for each budget category. Some of the changes from last year are as follows: There is an increase in interest income of $1,500, and a POA decrease based on the cancellation of the Koger contract. Money will be shifted from copying to supplies as copies are being made by printing on the computer instead of xeroxing. G&M was increased by 5% over the present contract for expected cost of living increase. Insurance was increased slightly from $1800 to $2350. The snow removal contract was increased by 6 1/2% based on the projections of our contractor. Only a 2% increase is projected for trash removal based on the significant increase experienced this past year. And we have budgeted to do a new reserve study. The projected cost is estimated at $1500 and will be added to miscellaneous expense.

Twenty two thousand is projected for reserve funding in 2002, which is basically the same schedule as 2001 updated with slight adjustments for replacing fence, fixing curbs, and painting parking spaces sooner than originally anticipated. We will continue to have an $11,000 buffer, the same as last year.

Also discussed was the maximum allowable assessment for next year-see attached summary.

It was moved by Al Sanford and seconded by Chris Taylor that we increase the maximum allowable assessment to $161.57 but continue to only charge $135.00 per quarter for 2002. This motion passed unanimously.

A motion was then made by Leona that we accept the draft budget as written with the following changes: (1) G&M increase of 5% with $2500 for contingencies (2) $1500 in miscellaneous for a reserve study and (3) the elimination of money for envelopes. The motion passed unanimously.

Architectural Review Committee

    • Leona and Pam to write waiver letters for waivers granted as part of ARC hearings.
    • Members of the Board are to review 7044 Leebrad regarding a color change request and send their Email response to Pam.

President's Report:

    • President reviewed duties of the Board for the months of October and November. Be sure to email Judy with Board reports: minutes, agenda, and financial statement. Also, of special note, we will need to assemble a nominating committee for next year's elections.
    • Regarding homeowner assessment accounts: there is one account at the attorney; the court date is coming up in November. Very few people are late.
    • Leona has spoken with our attorney regarding resale packet pricing. The attorney has informed us that we can only use direct charges--no charges for volunteer time are allowed. Leona is still pricing out direct costs excluding the Koger charges. Plan will be to announce a change in price at the same time that the Koger contract ends at the end of November.
    • Our CD with E*Trade Bank will reach maturity during October. The new rate was 3.44% but there was a bonus renewal rate of 3.94%. Leona locked in at the bonus rate. Leona also reported purchasing three CD's each for $10,000 at Capitol One Bank in Falls Church: a 3 year CD @ 5.1%; a 2 year CD @ 4.55%; and a 1 year CD@ 4.1%.

Treasurer's Report:

    • Mohammed pointed out that the negative difference of $5,201.67 in dividend income is not correct and is a program reporting problem. We have budgeted interest income for $7,600.00; interest income is somehow not being reported correctly. The reporting problem will be studied. With regard to expenses, we are under budget mainly due to the categories of Grounds & Maintenance, Miscellaneous and Trees and Shrubs.
    • Financial statement attached.

Website Judy Currier is planning to continue writing articles from time to time in the newsletter to keepreminding residents about this venue. Last Newsletter article generated a few more subscribers.

Grounds and Maintenance

Al spoke with Nelson Johnson at Braddock Mews about the Braddock Mews Association trimming plant growth that is encroaching on our fence. Mr. Johnson was in complete agreement that this work should be done and he was going to speak with the BMA Board about this. He thought that a contract was already signed for this work to be done.

Newsletter Possible articles were discussed: "Approved Budget", "The Publication Checkbook", and "No Trash Pickup Thanksgiving Day."

Tot Lot Committee

Leona presented the TLC with the questions that the Board had from the last meeting

as well as other questions that she has received from the residents. The game plan for the committee from this point on is: (1) answer questions raised from the Board and community, (2) write Newsletter article (3) attend next Board meeting to make recommendation, and (4) possibly survey community again based with on a specific proposal. The two common area sites recommended by a playground representative that has visited Leewood, are: (1) area east of Leestone Court (behind Backlick fence) and (2) in the area west of Leestone Court (behind Pam Stover).

Traffic & Parking Committee

  • Chris Taylor reported that the next meeting of the committee will be Thursday, 10-11-01.
  • Chris anticipates that the committee will recommend traffic signs at the next Board meeting. The anticipated cost is around $1500.00. Recommendations regarding parking space painting changes will be made in the spring based on the committee's ongoing study.


We still need an updated certificate. Mohammed to check to see if we have a canceled check for the renewal certificate.


New Business

  • New Directory: Leona to check with Judy Currier about doing a new directory to get out as soon as possible. We have several new residents to add to the directory.
  • CIA has a Roundtable scheduled for this Saturday, October 13th, for any Board member that be interested.


Meeting Adjourned at 9:50 PM

Respectfully submitted



Al Sanford




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