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Leewood Homeowners Association

June 12, 2001 Board Meeting


Leona Taylor, President
Ron Filadelfo, Vice President
Mohammed Umar, Treasurer
Al Sanford, Secretary
Chris Taylor, Board Member

Pam Stover, ARC Chairperson

Other: Chris Hiltz
Anthony McSorley

Meeting was called to order by the President at 8:10 P.M

  1. Open Forum: There was continuing discussion of parking concerns.
  2. Minutes: The minutes of the January 9, 2001 meeting were approved with corrections. The May 8, 2001 meeting were approved as written.
  3. Officers' Reports:
    1. President:
      1. Several duties, some with deadlines, were reviewed and assignments to various Board members were made.
      2. Leona reported that the database for architectural violations is completed. First letters for the violations found during the April inspection have been sent out. Also, a table has been created to keep track of traffic violations. Anyone writing up a new violation needs to advise Leona so the table can be updated.
      3. Leona's database for assessments is completed. Once it is reconciled with Judith Currier's records it is probable that two residents with late assessments will need to be referred to the attorney.
      4. In response to several complaints about children playing basketball and leaving the basketball hoop in the common area, it was decided that if the equipment was put away each evening that the children were in compliance with the community's standards.
    2. Vice-President
      1. Ron recommended that other Board members read articles from the April and May issues of the Quorom magazine about collecting assessments and writing contracts.
      2. Ron reported that from his reading of the by-laws, it is not a requirement of the Board to provide copies of the minutes of their meetings to individual residents upon request. After a discussion it was determined that this will be the policy of the Board even for residents who come to meetings and participate.
    3. Treasurer
      1. There is $30,000.00 of reserve money in Schwab Value Advantge, a money market account, that needs to be placed in a longer term, higher interest bearing investment. The Treasurer was asked to look into the various options and make a recommendation to the Board.
      2. Monthly Financial Results: See attached statements (2)
  4. Committee Reports:
    1. Architectural Review:
      1. 78 First Letters were sent notifying owners of standard's violations. Pam has sent two additional letters to residents regarding their responsibility for damages to the common area.
      2. 7082 Leestone Street is For Sale and a POA packet is needed.
      3. Progress continues to be made by a group of twelve people who are trying to replace their privacy fences
      4. The Koger Contract. The pros and cons of continuing this contract was discussed at length. Making a final decision was deferred until a later time.
      5. Regarding the Board's approval of second letters for architectural violations the following motion was made: For three out of the six owners in the second letter category who still have outstanding violations, Pam will communicate with one and the other two will be given another month to resolve their problems. Motion was approved.
      6. Regarding the Board's approval of hearing letters on three owners the following motion was made: All three owners in the hearing letter category will be sent second letters. The motion was approved.
    2. Grounds and Maintenance: No Report
    3. Parking and Traffic:
      1. It was moved that Patricia Willingham of 5274 Bradgen Court be authorized to write parking tickets on behalf of the Association on cars parked illegally on Bradgen Court. This motion was passed.
      2. See attached letter for a summary of the topics discussed by Parking and Traffic.
    4. Tot Lot:
      1. Decided to re-publish the survey in the newsletter, but not publish the results due to the limited return of surveys (10) to date.
      2. See attached Tot Lot Update prepared for the June 12th Board Meeting
    Submitted by,

     Al Sanford



    Tot Lot Update – June 12, 2001

    By Cathy Brent

    5267 Bradgen Ct.

    (703) 354-0486

    Survey Results:

    Total surveys returned: 10

    Children ages 0-8 living in Leewood from surveys: 4

    In favor of tot lot: 7

    Not in favor of tot lot: 2

    Neutral about tot lot: 1

    Committee volunteers: 6

    Names: Cathy Brent (5267 Bradgen Ct.) (703) 354-0486

    Thao Huynh (7058 Leebrad St) (703) 354-5873

    Ginni Totaro (7069 Leestone St) (703) 658-8877

    Leona Taylor (5268 Leesone Ct.) (703) 354-6932

    Anthony McSorley (7042 Bradwood Ct.) (703) 354-6369

    Sally Chapman (5265 Bradgen Ct.) (703) 642-5376


    "As long as it does not involve any liability to us."

    "Depending on cost, I would be suportive"

    "No Way – Leewood didn’t need it since ’78. How about instead a senior center or more parking spaces? Leewood now would have facilities for visitors – give me a break. Before survey form get facts – cost, location, material, parking, security, maintanance costs. I believe there are plenty of tot facilities around without Leewoods. Note: All I talked to so far don’t want or need tot lot. How much are they willing to contribute to cost of lot? Total number of children 8 or under living in Leewood is? Could lower property value for those around it and increase assessment and liability. "

    "Needed! We have many new families with young children. A tot lot would be ideal plus a great way for neighbors to get to know each other!"

    " I am absolutely opposed to a tot lot and will fight any attempt to build one even if I have to hire a lawyer at my own expense. I am an original owner in this community since 1976. One of the conditions expressed to me by the builder (Gosnell) and the sales people was that there will not be a tot lot. Check the association’s records and you will see that many years ago this same issue came up and it was defeated for good reason. If an attempt to build a tot lot is made, I will see you in court. Let the games begin."

    "I am very excited about having a safe place for children to play while meeting new neighbors. What a wonderful opportunity this community has to rally around a cause for our children."

    "Certainly a need given the number of small children in the neighborhood. Would add value and create stronger community which benefit everyone not just those families with children."

    "Great idea. Past newsletter articles have complained about children climbing on trees, climbing on mailboxes, climbing on fences. Sounds like providing a structured environment where kids can climb (ie. monkey bars) may benefit even those residents that don’t use it."

    Next Steps:

    1. Continue to gather surveys.
    2. Continue to form a tot lot committee who represent various points of view.
    3. Publish survey results in July newsletter (include a copy of the survey from the June newsletter for those who now would like to respond).
    4. Meet with "Tot Lot committee" to research areas of concern from surveys as well as gather other pertinent information needed on the tot lot (using the 25 step process included in the "History of the tot lot" folder).
    5. Publish research findings in August newsletter.


    Questions for the Board:

    1. Are the "Next Steps" an appropriate way to proceed in this process?
    2. What is the process whereby a poll can be taken of the entire neighborhood to fairly and effectively find out if a tot lot is wanted in the Leewood community? When should this be done?

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