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Leewood Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Minutes

April 14, 2009


Board Members Present:
Janet Rourke – President
Rose Weber – Secretary
Maggie Pitotti - Treasurer
Mohammed Umar – At Large
Tom Harvat – New Member

Also Present:
Leona Taylor – Financial Secretary
Melinda Ford - G&M
Al Carchedi - Homeowner

Convening: Meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm. Meeting was held in the Phillips School Library.

Executive Session: The Board went into Executive Session at 7:35pm to select officers. Executive Session adjourned and the regular meeting reconvened at 7:40pm.

Election of Officers: A motion was made to nominate Janet Rourke for the position of President of the Board, Tom Harvat as Vice President, Rose Weber as Secretary, Mohammed Umar, At Large and Maggie Pitotti as Treasurer. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed. Board positions are now filled as stated above.

Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the February 10, 2009 regular meeting and the March 10, 2009 Annual Meeting. The motion was carried and the minutes were approved as written, signed, and accepted for the record.

Open Forum: There were no issues presented for open forum discussion.

Architectural Review Hearings: There were no scheduled ARC hearings.

Officer Reports:
President: The President provided the Secretary with the telephone listing submissions so that a new directory can be produced. Currently published information will remain, with the exception of changes/new information. The President asked the Secretary to send a letter to the Granberry Estates HOA regarding several trees on Granberry property that pose a threat to Leewood property. A letter also needs to be sent to the County to report a Granberry property that has a business being run from the large/tall maintenance shed on the property. The need for a five-year plan for Leewood trees was discussed. This included the need to remove/prune several trees, the need to replace trees that have been removed, an assessment of diseased trees, etc. To start this process, the Board needs to schedule a time when all members can walk through together to identify concerns/share ideas. Once that has occurred, another walk through will be conducted with an arborist to confirm the Boards concerns and/or present other findings/suggestions. At that point a 5-year budget plan for trees can be developed. The need for community surveys was raised at the Annual Meeting. This was discussed and the Board felt that surveys would not be beneficial. The Board did agree that a general call for opinions regarding locking mailboxes was a good idea. The President will post signs asking for homeowner opinions on this issue. Speeding in Leewood was also discussed. Since the larger part of this problem is people cutting through Leewood, the posting of signs was mentioned as a possible solution along with asking the police to patrol occasionally for the purpose of issuing speeding tickets. The newsletter was also discussed. Many residents at the Annual Meeting expressed a desire to see more Leewood specific information and many also said they would like to go back to hard copy. Several homeowners submitted volunteer forms at the Annual Meeting and ways to most effectively use those volunteers was discussed.
Vice President: Nothing to report.
Treasurer: Report on current status of homeowner accounts was provided. Delinquent accounts were discussed. The Board voted in favor of forgiving penalties in the case of one property based on legal advice that it would not be cost effective to try and locate the former owners of the property and then try to recoup the delinquent monies owed.
Secretary: Authority to ticket vehicles needs to be held by the Board only, especially since none of the homeowners who currently have that authority have issued any tickets. The Board agreed. The President will provide blank tickets to those Board members who do not already have some and will notify those homeowners who currently have ticket writing authority that they no longer do. Unused tickets will be collected. The problem of trash being put out early was discussed and a letter will be sent in the case of one property where the owners have been observed putting trash out early. The Secretary will send thank you letters to both guests who spoke at the Annual Meeting.
At-Large: Nothing to report.

Committee Reports:
Architectural Review Committee (ARC): The following motions were made and approved regarding active ARC violations: Note: as the ARC Chair, The Board President, Janet Rourke does not vote on ARC hearing decisions or other ARC matters requiring approval of the Board.

Hearings: There are no hearing letters to be sent at this time.
Extensions: There are currently no extension requests to be considered.
Hearings to be re-scheduled: There were no hearings to be rescheduled.
Second violation notices: There are currently no second violation notices to be sent.
With Lawyer: There are currently no cases with the lawyer.

Grounds and Maintenance: G&M Chair reported that Leewod volunteers completed the perimeter fence repairs behind Bradgen Court. The Chair will get a professional estimate for the remaining perimeter fence repairs (turning the sections to avoid the constant repairs caused by storm damage). Leewood clean-up day will be held April 18th. Failure of pet owners to pick up after their pets was discussed as well as dumping in the dry pond and other wooded common areas. The posting of "no dumping" and "pick up after your pet" signs was discussed as a possible solution to these problems. No trespassing signs were also discussed. The Board approved the expenditure of budgeted funds for the removal of several dead trees that pose a threat to property should they fall down.

Financial Report: A balance sheet and budget report were provided and reviewed. New signature cards were signed to reflect recent changes in Board membership. A motion was made to make a donation to Phillips School in appreciation for the use of their rooms for Leewood meetings. The motion was carried by unanimous vote. In response to an Annual Meeting request, the timely posting of the budget to the website was discussed and the board agreed this needs to happen and will try to ensure that it does. The Financial Secretary will review the Reserve Fund with the Board to determine if there is a need to update. This is a routine annual review.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.

Certified for the record:

___________________ _____________
Rose Weber, Secretary Date

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