Leewood Homeowners Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

                                                            August 11, 2015

Board Members Present:
Pat Willingham- President
Janet Rourke- Vice President

Heather Pike- Secretary

Dayna Roy- Treasurer

Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm at the Phillip School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003

Approval of past minutes: July minutes were approved.

Open Forum:
Officers Report/Updates

: Pat received a homeowner letter back that was not picked up at the post office. A letter will be resent certified and regular mail. Tree trimming is completed. Pat looked at the to-do-list for the year and we are doing well getting it done.

Vice President: Janet spoke about trash and how it is sporadic. Dayna said she  will go out and pick up some trash on lower Leebrad. Janet reminded the board that we need to think about the fall newsletters and posting on the message board.

Secretary: Heather discussed the signs and trash letters.

Treasurer: Dayna had no report.

Committee Reports:

Homeowner asked for approval on a door that is not on the approval list. The board decided not to accept the homeowner’s request.  Dayna discussed National Night Out.
Al went over the new Finley proposal with the new additions for the roads and sidewalk. Comparing Brothers and Finley quotes, Finley comes in less or comparable on all items. We are under for the budget for all road, drainage, sidewalk and painting. All board members approved the Finley Proposal.


Change of residence form and tax returns were signed, audit is done just waiting to get back. Budget needs to be discussed at September meeting. Leona discussed the budget and each line item.. She also discussed Quickbook base level and upgraded versions.

Executive Sessions:
Went into executive session at 8:37 to discuss board member concerns.


Adjourned: 8:45

Certified for the record:


________________________________________________      _________________

Heather Pike, LHOA Secretary                                                    Date